Free Gift Card Codes Generators


Windows Installer

Why is “AtlantisHacks.COM” written all over the screenshots and blurred?

They are call watermarks. Recently, it has been discovered people are uploading our programs and attaching malicious viruses to them. Some people even go as far as stealing our images and using on their own websites. If you download any of our programs from another site, you are probably infected. We recommend you reformat as soon as possible.

Screenshots with codes are blurred to protect our users from being detected. If they found out how the codes were generated, it could be patched.

Does this program, X, still work?

All of our programs work unless we removed the post regarding it as we did with Modern Warfare 2 hacks (We stop updating it since Black Ops came out). Most of our programs come with autoupdate feature. It will always be updated.

Why do we need to complete a survey to get access of the downloads?

The download mirror allow us to save bandwidth and at the same time keep our files safe.

Server costs is very high due to the high traffic we get. Also we are not using an US host, so the cost of server is much higher. The revenue earned from the surveys allow us to pay for the both website and authorization servers and continue creating/updating hacking programs for you guys to use.

I completed the survey, but it doesn’t unlock?

Try clearing all your cookies with CCleaner. Then create a new email address to use with and try the survey again using the new email address. Also make sure you’re not using fake information, as the surveys have ways to detect it. Also mobile/cellphones offers are the easiest to complete and goes through all the time.

Can you make a hack for the game, X?

Yes, we can. First, you need to make a request through our contact form. If we find your request popular enough, we will begin to work on it. As always PREMIUM users will be the first one to get access to it.

I have everything done properly, but it is still not working?

Another possible reason why you can’t use our software is the following: you bypassed all the surveys, which means you didn’t actually complete any to obtain your code. Whenever you complete a survey, your IP address is sent to our Authorization System Server. If you server detects you have the Fix Patch, but you never completed a survey for it – it will deny you of access to our generator.

Please respect us and support our website. We have over active 35,000 users in our Authorization System.